Parents are the most important people in a child’s life. They are the child’s first teachers, they know more about their child than any teacher can ever know, and have watched and cared for their child from the first day of his or her life. We know how vital it is that all our staff maintain close personal links with parents. There are many opportunities for us to both establish and build such a partnership, for example we will:
There are many opportunities for us to both establish and build such a partnership, for example we will:
Give you sufficient time and opportunity for questions
Provide your child with a gentle introduction to being away from home, suggesting that you stay until your child is happily settled.
Keep regular written reports of your child's activities and progress and share these with you.
Lend you books to read at home with your child.
Send home children's paintings and other work with positive, constructive comments.
Encourage you, where possible, to come into school to see how your child is developing.
Provide invitations to social events.
Make sure you have the opportunity to obtain copies of pictures when the children have been photographed in school.
Provide information to you on health issues, behaviour management and first aid either through talks, articles or book lists.
You can reassure yourself by viewing your child via the webcam that will be available to parents only on the website.